Electricity Consumption of Flash Message Trial in India

Abhishek Biswas
2 min readOct 27, 2023


Photo by Fré Sonneveld on Unsplash

According to the UN estimates, India’s population in 2023 is about 1.43 billion people1. Assuming that every person in India has a smartphone and receives flash messages five times a day, the total number of messages sent per day is 1.43 billion x 5 = 7.15 billion.

The power consumption of a smartphone depends on many factors, such as the model, the battery capacity, the screen size, the brightness, the network signal, and the usage patterns. However, some studies have estimated the average power consumption of a smartphone to be around 0.25 W to 4.5 W23. Let’s take the midpoint of this range, which is 2.375 W.

The energy consumed by a smartphone to display a flash message for 15 to 20 seconds can be calculated by multiplying the power by the time. The time range can be converted to hours by dividing by 3600. So, the energy range is:

2.375 W x (15/3600) h to 2.375 W x (20/3600) h

This simplifies to:

0.0098 Wh to 0.0131 Wh

To get the total energy consumed by all smartphones in India for displaying flash messages per day, we need to multiply the energy range by the number of messages sent per day. So, the total energy range is:

0.0098 Wh x 7.15 billion to 0.0131 Wh x 7.15 billion

This simplifies to:

70,070 MWh to 93,665 MWh

This is equivalent to:

70 GWh to 94 GWh

To put this in perspective, this amount of energy is enough to power about 23,333 to 31,333 Indian households for a month4, or about 0.02% to 0.03% of India’s total electricity consumption in 20235.

P.S 1: Generated and calculated by AI for analysis.

P.S 2: This post is intended to be respectful and inclusive of all nations, genders, races, communities, and individuals.



Abhishek Biswas

Strategic Data Analytics Leader | Energy SME | Entrepreneur | Writer | Mentor |Mighty Polymath